
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Three Things

1. I almost shopped til I dropped today. I just wanted to be done. And I almost am. Just a few more things to get. I even WRAPPED them all this afternoon. I am way ahead of the game.

2. Tomorrow will be filled with lots of cookie baking and crochet making.

3. Here are pictures of our basement after putting in about 10 hours (broken up into three different days) of work. We are hoping to hang that puffy Ikea chair in the near future.

Please pray we won't get flooded again this spring. I might lose it.

This is our storage room.

 This is part of the exercise portion of the room. Please excuse the boxes of garbage that I haven't disposed of yet.

 This is the other part.
 This is where the air hockey table will go. (it's in my in-laws garage still)
 And more toys.

The boys (including Scott) have been loving it down there!

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