Have a fun and safe night!!
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This past weekend we did our annual pumpkin carving. I love to do it. But I forget from year to year that it’s a lot of work. For the boys we use patterns from a book and I end up doing all the work.
Here is my pumpkin person this year-
Can you tell who it is?
I start with a photo that I think will work.
Here is the photo I started with-
If you guessed Noah, you were right.
I use Photoshop to get the picture ready. I cropped in closer to his face. Then I desaturated it. I adjusted the brightness and contrast a little. Then I posterized it. This is under <adjustments. You need to make sure the number is set to 3. This means there is only 3 colors in the picture- white, grey and black. The black will be left normal, the white will be cut all the way through, and the grey will have the top layer shaved off. Not every picture will work. You kind of have to try it and look to see if it will be a good candidate.
It is a long and frustrating process, but worth it in the end.
Here is what it looks like with the light on-
And a close-up-
Here is Cole’s-
This is Noah’s-
I let Jayce draw his own face and then I cut it out. One ear is waaaay bigger than the other-
Ethan hasn’t carved his yet. He doesn’t really like the mess it creates so he isn’t into it as much as his brothers are. I may steal his to do another face.
I was exhausted when we were all done. But they look awesome displayed in front of the house!
Have you carved any pumpkins yet? Or do you not bother at all? It’s one of my favorite parts of fall!
I get emails from Estatesales.net when there is an estate sale within 50 miles of Holland. Not all estate sales appeal to me. But I got an email for one in Spring Lake for this Friday and Saturday. It had some things that interested me.
Leopard and cheetah is so big right now, just not sure like this. But it would be cool on someone-
And I’m always attracted to furniture-
We need a new grill and circular saw-
There is another sale here in Holland on Saturday only. It doesn’t look like it has as much stuff, but what they do have is good.
I really like the colors in this painting-
Will you go to the sales? See something you like?
I’m not desperate for anything. Plus I have a busy weekend. We always go to Robinettes every fall and will be attempting that on Friday. And Saturday is our birthday party at Crazy Bounce.
Fun busy-ness!